Thursday 10 October 2013

Week One: Charcoal Experiments & Drawing Exercises

On the first week of Visual Art and Culture practical we started by experimenting with how many different marks we can make with a single piece of charcoal. The results were surprising, in showing the large array of marks you can create with  a single piece.

This is the outcome I created with one piece of charcoal. I was surprised by the variety I managed to make.

After the charcoal we move onto different drawing exercise, these included drawing with the opposite hand you're used to, drawing with only looking at the subject matter, drawing using continuous line and drawing only the negative space. (Images coming soon, still need to scan my work). These exercises were interesting because they are subtly training you to pay more attention to the task of drawing rather than assuming what we see and what we can draw.

Continuous Line Drawing 

Drawing Without Looking

Left Handed Drawing

Negative Space Drawing

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